Term Dates

Brisbane Polish School aligns its term dates with the Queensland state schools dates which are set by the Department of Education.

Fee Schedule

Our school is a not-for-profit organisation, the tuition funds raised are used for its running.

Tuition for the academic year, for each child, is:

One Child


per student

per student

Three + Children


per student

The school offers families option of paying tuition in advance or paying it back during the 10 months of the academic year.
The resource levy of $100 is payable at the start of the academic year. 

To enroll please email:


Common Queries

Visit Our Saturday School:

We invite you and your children to attend our Saturday morning lesson. Attendance is by registration only; please book by emailing admin@brisbanepolishschool.org.au


To enrol please email admin@brisbanepolishschool.org.au or speak with the school’s Director during your visit.

Payment schedule:

The School offers two payment options: payment in full or four payments, each prior to the commencement of Term.

Withdrawal of Students:

Should you wish to withdraw your child/children from the School, one term notice is required; please notify school’s Director in writing. If this notice is not given you will be charged for the subsequent school term’s fees. Such policy is necessary to allow the School to adequately notify children who are on the waiting list to replace those students who wish to leave.

en_AUEnglish (Australia)